What Is OOP Programming?
Historically, a program has been viewed as a logical procedure that takes input data,
processes it, and produces output data.
As for example suppose we have to store 5 peoples personal details in programme.
it can be used to do,
var name1 = "richard"
var address1 = "29 morgan street parkVille 2345"
var gender1 = male
Likewise you have to mess with repetitive data assignment
and Also, the separation of data from method prevents a common
problem found in older linear software languages.
If a bug appears in a linear code, it can be translated through
a system and create masses of hard-to-trace errors. Conversely,
an OOP program, with its separation of method and data, is not
susceptible to such proliferated errors.
One of the great benefits of OOP is that of scalability,
with objects and definitions having no finite limitation.
It's kind of structure or can say template object that can be
used for many time so through it you can do to manipulate data,
help store data, retrieve and help to view data through MVC
model.It's collection of method and variables. It is a blueprint
that defines the data and behavior of a type.
why would you use it?
One of the great benefits of OOP is that of scalability,
with objects and definitions having no finite limitation.
Also, the separation of data from method prevents a common
problem found in older linear software languages.
If a bug appears in a linear code, it can be translated through
a system and create masses of hard-to-trace errors.
Conversely, an OOP program, with its separation of method and
data, is not susceptible to such proliferated errors.
many javascript projects are written using a functional,
or event-driven design pattern.
In which cases would an OOP pattern be a better choice?
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) refers to using
self-contained pieces of code to develop applications. We call
these self-contained pieces of code objects, better known as
Classes in most OOP programming languages and Functions in
JavaScript. We use objects as building blocks for our
applications. Building applications with objects allows us to
adopt some valuable techniques, namely, Inheritance
(objects can inherit features from other objects),
Polymorphism (objects can share the same interface—how they
are accessed and used—while their underlying implementation
of the interface may differ), and Encapsulation (each object
is responsible for specific tasks).
In JavaScript, objects can encapsulate functionality and
inherit methods and properties from other objects, so
Object Oriented Programming + Event-Driven Programming
The last thing I want to touch on here is the combination of
the Object Oriented and Event-driven programming paradigms.
These two make for a very valuable combination in a wide
variety of situations and I think it can be beneficial to
understand and conceptualize why.
The Object Oriented approach promotes the idea that all
behavior of an individual unit (or object) be handled from
code within that unit. Using this approach, applications are
built with many different units that all speak to and interact
with each other.
The constructor is called at the moment of instantiation (the moment when the object instance is created).
The constructor is a method of the class. In JavaScript, the function serves as the constructor of the object;
therefore, there is no need to explicitly define a constructor method. Every action declared in the
class gets executed at the time of instantiation.
The constructor is used to set the object’s properties or to call methods to prepare the object for use.
Adding class methods and their definitions occurs using a different syntax.
Adding class methods and their definitions occurs using a different syntax described later in this article.
function Mammal(name,lifeSpan,diet) {
this.name = name;
this.lifeSpan = lifeSpan;
this.diet = diet;
this.voice = function () {
console.log(`Mammal ${this.name} can make voice !!`);
Instantiate simple Mammal object
let dog = new Mammal("Dog",15,"omnivores");
Inheritance is a way to create a class as a specialized version of one or more classes (
JavaScript only supports single class inheritance). The specialized class is commonly called the child,
and the other class is commonly called the parent. In JavaScript you do this by assigning an instance of
the parent class to the child class, and then specializing it.
Note: JavaScript does not detect the child class prototype.constructor see Object:prototype property,
so we must state that manually.
dog is instant of Mammal, it has all properties and method from Mammal.
console.log(`Mammal name is ${dog.name} \n
It's life span ${dog.lifeSpan} years \n It is ${dog.diet}`);
call function inherited from Mammal
//here inheritance from Mmmal
function Man(name,lifeSpan,diet, isIntaligennt){
this.isteligent = isIntaligennt;
Prototype-based programming
Prototype-based programming is a style of object-oriented programming in which classes are not present,
and behavior reuse (known as inheritance in class-based languages) is accomplished through a process of
decorating existing objects which serve as prototypes.
This model is also known as class-less, prototype-oriented, or instance-based programming.
The original (and most canonical) example of a prototype-based language is the programming language Self
developed by David Ungar and Randall Smith. However, the class-less programming style has recently grown
increasingly popular, and has been adopted for programming languages such as JavaScript, Cecil,
NewtonScript, Io, MOO, REBOL, Kevo, Squeak (when using the Viewer framework to manipulate Morphic
components), and several others.1
//you can add properties and methods later in main Object
Mammal.prototype.habitat = "everywhere";
//now check in dog object, it's habitat
// now change, later added property in Mammal and inherited in
dog object
dog.habitat = "Around human Habitat";
// Same way you can add in Mammal object a new method
Mammal.prototype.swim = function () {
console.log(`${this.name} can swim!!`);
In the previous example, dog does not need to know how the Mammal class’s voice() method is
implemented, but still can use that method; the dog class doesn’t need to explicitly define
that method unless we want to change it. This is called encapsulation, by which every class inherits
the methods of its parent and only needs to define things it wishes to change.
The techniques presented in this article to implement object-oriented programming are not the only
ones that can be used in JavaScript, which is very flexible in terms of how object-oriented programming
can be performed.
Similarly, the techniques shown here do not use any language hacks,
nor do they mimic other languages’ object theory implementations.